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Product Details

Caustic Soda Pearl is designed for CIP, Soak and Bottle Washing applications in Breweries, Dairies and Food
Processing plants, it is also suitable for use in other high care applications. For optimum performance it is blended
with an additive from the Adhol range or Holchel. These additives contain sequestrants which inhibit and dissolve
mineral scale and also enhance the performance of the Caustic Soda solution. It is not suitable for use on
Aluminium, Zinc, Copper or their alloys.
In use concentrations of Caustic Soda Pearl are application dependent and should be established during trials.
A 1% w/v solution gives approximately 1% w/v causticity (1% w/v NaOH).
Cleaning temperatures should be optimised during trials. For fatty or heavily carbonised soils, temperatures above
90°C can be used. However, for protein soils, it is often more effective to clean at lower temperatures (up to 70°C).
Caustic Soda Pearl is not suitable for direct food contact.
The following are typical example applications, users should refer to Cleaning Instruction Cards for specific guidance.
Other applications should be discussed with your Holchem Consultant.
NOTE: When dissolving Caustic Soda Pearl into water, heat is generated, and at high strengths an acrid vapour can
be given off.
CIP. For Clean in Place applications, 1% to 5% w/v solutions of Caustic Soda Pearl are typically circulated for 20 – 30
minutes. The exact concentration is dependent on water hardness and soil type / level. Before circulating the
detergent, pre-rinsing with water is advisable. After cleaning, the circulation loop should be flushed with clean
water until pH or conductivity of the rinsing is approximately equal to that of the water.
Occasionally CIP cleans need to be boosted by use of additives such as Adhol No.10. Caustic Soda Pearl is
compatible with Adhol No.10, but advice on procedures should be taken.
In hard water areas, or for soils with a high mineral content such as Milkstone or Beerstone, it is advisable to use in
conjunction with an additive such as Holchel.
Bottlewashing. Caustic Soda Pearl can be used as a bottle washing detergent at 0.4% to 0.5% w/v solution,
dependent on the nature of the soiling. Using with an Adhol additive or Holchel will improve compatibility with
hard water and soil suspensions.
• Suitable for recirculation